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The Offering Song

by Carol Elaine Loperena

five loaves and two fishes
Here's my offering, Lord.
I give it from the bottom of my heart.
Here's my offering, Lord.
For those who have no clothes, no food to eat...

You've given me so much,
So I know I should share
To touch an empty life,
To show someone I care.
Here's my offering, Lord.

"I love you from the very, very, very, very bottom of my pea picking, liver loving heart." We used to say that when I was a little girl.

Unselfish Love

The Game of Love

And of course it became a game to see how big we could make our love grow by adding as many very's as possible. In turn, I’m sure that although the game probably got a little long for those family members who would play this word game, they surely appreciated just how far into the bottom of our hearts we could go to find our love.

Reaching Down Deep

So when I wrote "The Offering Song," I thought about how when we give to God, and give to others, what a great feeling it is to reach in down deep and give from the very bottom of our heart. As opposed to skimming off the top to give ‘just enough,’ or scraping the bottom of the barrel, reaching deep within yourself to look for and find the very best requires us to put on our thinking caps.

Christ Shows Us

If we really want to learn about how to give, we need only look to God. He sent His only Son to us to teach us how to love completely and unselfishly. And teach us He did. He taught us about loving the unlovable; the people in our society who are outcasts or misfits. And He didn’t just talk about it, he did it by giving of his time and eating with those that the community considered unworthy. He did it by taking water offered from a woman of another race, whose past was most certainly tainted.

He also did it by showing us how to provide for our needs and the needs of others without undue worry as to how, because He who created all things will provide. He showed us in that moment when he accepted the offering of 2 loaves of bread and 5 fish and blessed it. Instead of hoarding it for Himself and His disciples He shared it and multiplied it to feed five thousand hungry people. He revealed to us that our gifts too, would be multiplied in the sharing.

And most of all, in giving up His Life, he showed us love through forgiveness and self-sacrifice. He could have lived out His earthly life in seclusion into a ripe old age, writing thoughts about how to forgive others as God has forgiven us. But instead He allowed His Life to be ended at such a young age and with so much suffering, so that we would know the complete and true meaning of being forgiven and forgiving others. It’s not easy to comprehend, and it’s even more difficult to do. But Jesus did it from the very, very, very, very, very, very, very bottom of His heart.

For us.

The Offering Song was first published at in September of 2009. It was revised and re-posted at in July of 2018. This devotional (excluding photos) is allowed to be reprinted for use in church newsletters or sermons as well as social networking venues. Your usage is contingent upon listing JoySoul Corporation as the copyright holder. For other reprints, permission and/or licensing may be obtained by contacting JoySoul Corporation at 701-308-0594 by text or

Usage Allowances: each sermon (excluding photos) is free to be shared in part or in whole for non-commercial usage. Examples of free usage include church newsletters or sermons as well as social networking venues. Your usage is contingent upon referencing JoySoul Corporation as the copyright holder. For other reprints, permission and/or licensing may be purchased by contacting JoySoul Corporation at 701-308-0594 or

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